April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Learn more this month and take action by joining the Diocesan Facebook social media campaign.
Please pray a rosary for abuse victims at least once this month. Learn what we as a church are doing to keep kids safe at safeinourdiocese.org.
Sexual Misconduct / Inapropiada
Reporting allegations of sexual misconduct: The diocese of San Diego treats all allegations of sexual misconduct by clergy or Church personnel seriously and deals with them in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To report sexual misconduct by clergy or Church personnel, including abuse, please call Mary Acosta, Victim Assistance Coordinator, (858) 490-8353, email [email protected] or visit www.safeinourdiocese.org. Situations of recent or ongoing sexual abuse should be reported to local law enforcement.
Reportando denuncias de conducta sexual inapropiada: La diócesis de San Diego trata con seriedad todas las denuncias de conducta sexual inapropiada por parte del clero o del personal de la Iglesia y las trata de manera rápida, confidencial y exhaustiva. Para denunciar conducta sexual inapropiada por parte del clero o del personal de la Iglesia, incluyendo el abuso, llame a Mary Acosta, Coordinadora de Asistencia a Víctimas, (858) 490-8353, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected], o visite www.safeinourdiocese.org. Las situaciones de abuso sexual reciente o en curso deben ser reportadas a la policía.