Parish Office Closed: Monday, February 17th, in honor of Presidents' Day
Pastoral Council Meeting: Tuesday, February, 18th @ 6pm, Wheeler Center
Lenten Penance Service: will be hosted on First Friday, March 7th. We will start with Benediction and Adoration at 6pm. During Adoration, Father Dan will offer Confession. First Friday Mass will follow at 7pm.
First Saturday Mass: Saturday, March 8th @ 9am.
Father Dan Out of Office: Tuesday, March 11th & Wednesday, March 12th. Please note, there will not be Daily Mass on these days.
Annual St. Patrick's Emerald Ball: Saturday, March 15th @ 6pm in the Julian Town Hall. Tickets are $35 Adult, and $5 for children.
Sacrament of First Holy Communion: St. Elizabeth of Hungary's First Holy Communicants will be receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 4th at St. Elizabeth of Hungary church, during the 10:30am Sunday Mass.
Sacrament of Confirmation: St. Elizabeth of Hungary's Confirmation students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, June 8th @ 5pm at St. Elizabeth of Hungary church.
Mass Schedule Sacraments & Religious Education
Weekend Masses:
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM
Weekday Masses:
Monday No Mass
Tuesday Mass 8:15 AM
Wednesday Mass 8:15 AM
Thursday Mass 8:15 AM
Friday Mass 8:15 AM
Special Masses:
First Friday Mass 7:00 pm, preceded by Benediction and Adoration at 6:00 pm
First Saturday Mass 9:00 am
Holy Days of Obligation Mass 7:00 pm
Confessions: Saturday @ 4:30 PM and 15 minutes before every daily Mass
K-7 Religious Education & Confirmation Classes (CCD) on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month @ 9am
For Anointing of the Sick, Baptisms, Weddings, or Funerals: Please call the Parish Secretary @ 760-765-0613
NOTE: If someone you know is about to die or has just died and you need to speak to the Priest outside of our normal office hours, please call the main office @ 760-765-0613 and leave your contact information.
NOTE: If you see someone in a wheelchair, please offer to assist the person up or down the wheelchair ramp. If you are with someone in a wheelchair or are in a wheelchair yourself, please feel free to ask for assistance.
NOTE: Please report sexual abuse to the San Diego Diocese via their website:
Parish Office Information: Office Phone: 760-765-0613 Physical Address: 2816 "B" Street, Julian, CA Mailing Address: P.O. Box 366 ,Julian, CA 92036-0366 Regular Parish Office Hours Monday - Wednesday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ***Note: the office is closed on Federal holidays